Another report indicated that roughly 1.2 million workers will leave the construction industry to work in other fields. Construction companies must take steps to rectify this problem. Below, readers will learn more about the ongoing construction labor shortage and its causes.
Current Stats
The COVID-19 pandemic threw everything out of order. Unfortunately, this means that the labor market was hit particularly hard. The 2020 Construction Outlook Survey concluded that more than 80% of construction companies were struggling to find workers for salaries and hourly positions. The trend has continued in recent months as well. Associated Builders and Contractors recently provided dire to worsen the situation.
The agency claimed that the construction industry would face a labor shortage of roughly 650,000 workers. Data suggests that 1.2 million construction workers will leave the industry to join others. The loss could be offset by 1.3 million workers leaving other industries to join the construction industry. What is causing this trend?
Shifting To WFH (work from home)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses shifted to work-from-home protocols. As a result, workers were able to work from their homes. Many workers fell in love with this work style and want it to continue. The construction industry was able to shift some jobs to a WFH platform but not all. After all, workers have to be there to work on the construction site. Workers may be leaving the industry so they can find WFH positions.
The demand for flexible jobs has climbed considerably.
Burning Out
Another thing to remember is that the construction industry has been booming. As the housing market flourished, construction workers were pushed to their limits to keep up with the demand. While many appreciated the extra work, it eventually led to burnout. Unfortunately, many construction workers are ready for something new. After being run ragged, they’re looking for slow-paced positions.
Many workers have retired since the COVID-19 pandemic. As more people have quit their jobs, the baby boomer generation has aged out of the labor force. The number of Americans reaching retirement age is higher than the number of 16-year-olds entering the labor force. It was estimated that 3.4 million of the people leaving jobs were over 55. Approximately 1.5 million had already considered early retirement.
COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate
US construction companies joined businesses in other industries to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus. By partnering with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “CDC,” these businesses are stepping up to the plate. A COVID-free workplace requires all active workers to get vaccinated against the deadly COVID-19 virus.
It is unfortunate, but some American workers did not appreciate being told they are required to be vaccinated. Rumors regarding the health risks of the COVID-19 vaccination are believed to be behind the push against mandates.
US worker shortages have been linked to COVID-19 vaccine mandates.